The 2024 JICA Training Program for Nikkei Communities entitled “Research of Bio-composites under Very Low Temperature Conditions Aiming at the Preservation of the Natural Environment“ was completed

TOPNewsThe 2024 JICA Training Program for Nikkei Communities entitled “Research of Bio-composites under Very Low Temperature Conditions Aiming at the Preservation of the Natural Environment“ was completed

 From December 16th, 2024 to January 27th, 2025, Mr. Marcio Hideo AKIYOSHI participated in the JICA Training Program for Nikkei Communities “Research of Bio-composites under Very Low Temperature Conditions Aiming at the Preservation of the Natural Environment” at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
 The training aimed to understand the global need for bio-composite materials aimed at protecting the natural environment, to acquire specialized knowledge through research, and to learn about advanced technologies at Tokushima University. The aim was to establish new initiatives that can contribute to the development of Japanese communities abroad and the nation-building of the countries to where Japanese people has migrated. At the presentation session, the participant reported on the isolation of nanocellulose from residues of sudachi and yuzu citrus fruits, specialties of Tokushima, and reported on the strength properties of the produced nanocellulose materials.
 In addition to the training, he also had frequent meals with students from our university in the lab, where they frankly exchanged opinions on the differences in education and research between Japan and Brazil. We hope that these activities will lead to new exchanges between Japan and Brazil, and encourage Japanese-Brazilians to continue to further their studies at our university's graduate school.

▲Closing ceremony held on January 27, 2025
