Professor Tetsuya Tanioka, RN; PhD, FAAN EDB
Professor Tanioka considers the importance of collaborative research, particularly forming an interdisciplinary research team. As evidence, currently, he has conducted joint research endeavors with Japanese and foreign universities, hospitals, and various research institutes, including those of Pharmaceutical companies. He believes that the most important consideration for successful interdisciplinary collaborative research is "cooperation and compassion". In his laboratory, he has developed research systems in cooperation with Associate Professor Yasuhara in order to attain valuable outcomes. His career development started after working in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, studying Nursing while working at the hospital, pursuing university and graduate school degrees. He uses the motto "making one's best exertions" which he learned from his teacher in his high school.
Regarding his style of teaching especially on manuscript-writing and on multivariate quantitative statistical analysis, he is like a car driver education instructor whose perspective is led by the question, "Why don't you study and research with us?"
♦Contact: Tokushima University Graduate School of Medical,
Dental and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Nursing Department (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Sciences) Nursing Management
Tetsuya Tanioka
Address: 3-18-15 Kuramotocho, Tokushima City, 770-8509
Phone number: 088-633-9021 Fax number: 088-633-9021
Email address:
International activities(Speech of International conference(PDF 448KB)
Prof. Tetsuya Tanioka, RN, PhD; FAAN was inducted as Fellow(PDF 277KB) of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) Class of 2013(PDF 619KB). This fellowship is one of the highest honors given to nurse scholars, theoreticians and researchers in the USA and internationally. The Academy is composed of more than 2,000 nurse leaders in education, management, practice, policy, and research. The Academy Fellows include hospital and government administrators, college deans, and renowned scientific researchers. In 2013 Fellows represented all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 19 countries.
From 2020, he became a board member of the Anne Boykin Institute for the Advancement of Caring in Nursing (ABI) (Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University).
Tetsuya Tanioka, RN; PhD, FAAN
Professor of Nursing, Department of Nursing Outcome Management,
Dr. Tanioka earned his Ph.D. from Kochi University of Technology, Japan (2002), PhD in Nursing, St. Paul University Philippines (2021), his MSN, from Graduate School, St. Paul University Philippines (2018), M.A. from Shikoku Gakuin University (1999), and BEd. from Meisei University Japan (1997). Following graduation from Kochi Prefectural Nursing School and licensure as Registered Nurse (1988), he worked for 11 years in the Psychiatric Hospital in Japan. He found his passion for nursing research focused on studying human technologies, integrating science and technology within the perspective of nursing caring science. He continues to contribute immensely towards the clarification of technological competency as caring in nursing, and create high quality care processes within varying technological environments. His continuing engagement in nursing towards enhancing interdisciplinary and collaborative endeavors for nursing is focused on caring, exemplified as the integration of science and technology through research on human technologies, practice and education. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the open journal Health, the International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Nursing Practice, the Journal of Art and Aesthetics in Nursing and Health Sciences, the International Journal for Human Caring, and the Journal of Health and Caring Sciences. One of his international recognition is as Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN). Dr. Tanioka was visiting scholar at the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, and visiting professor of St. Paul University Philippines. He is known for his Transactive Relationship Theory of Nursing (TRETON): A Nursing Engagement Model for Persons and Humanoid Nursing Robots, and the electronic health administration system entitled, Psychiatric Outcome Management System (PSYCHOMS®). His most recent book "Nursing Robots" for the elderly was released in March 2017.