HOME研究分野基礎看護学講座看護管理学分野卒業生のメッセージセントポール大学 PhD in Nursing Program(St. Paul University PhD in Nursing Program)

セントポール大学 PhD in Nursing Program(St. Paul University PhD in Nursing Program)

■Kyoko Osaka RN; PHN, MSN, PhD
 Graduated from SPUP PhD in Nursing 2025, MSN 2021
■Affiliation:Dean, Professor, Department of Nursing at the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University
■Current initiatives
I have been a professor in the Department of Nursing at the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University since 2019. I served as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Nursing, Kochi Prefectural University from April 2009 to July 2013, and as a lecturer in nursing at the Department of Health Biosciences, Tokushima University Graduate School from August 2013 to July 2019.
I am one of the editors of "NURSING ROBOTS: Robotic Technology and Human Caring for the Elderly", published in 2017. This book introduces past research on human-to-human and human-to-robot relationships, including artificial superintelligence in robots, to help adopt appropriate technologies to meet the demands of future healthcare efforts. Interdisciplinary collaborative research is a future vision that can be realized in terms of the Japanese idea of caregiving in an aging society. Under the guidance of Professor Tanioka, I became passionate about nursing research focusing on the study of caregiving for elderly people with dementia, interactions/transactions between elderly people and care robots, and empathic understanding in nursing. In particular, I have published a model for the intermediary role of nurses in transactive relationships with healthcare robots (MIRTH).
Furthermore, in 2025, I obtained a PhD in Nursing from St. Paul University (SPUP) with the title " Development and Validation of an In-service Education Program for Psychiatric Nurse Managers and Staff Nurses Based on the Theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing." My first PhD was Engineering from Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science, Institute of Technology and Science, Information Science and Systems Engineering in 2008. Professor Tanioka has been extremely helpful to me since I was an undergraduate student at Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare. 
■大坂 京子RN; PHN, MSN, PhD
  2021年度卒業 SPUP MSN修了
  2025年 PhD in Nursing修了
 2017年に出版された「NURSING ROBOTS: Robotic Technology and Human Caring for the Elderly」の編集者の一人です。この本では、ロボットの人工超知能を含む人間同士、人間とロボットの関係に影響を与える過去の研究を紹介し、将来のヘルスケアの取り組みの需要を満たす適切な技術の採用に役立てています。学際的な共同研究は、高齢化社会における日本の介護の考え方の観点から見て実現される将来ビジョンです。私は、谷岡教授の指導の下、認知症高齢者の介護、高齢者と介護ロボットの相互作用/取引、看護における共感的理解の研究に焦点を当てた看護研究に情熱を傾けました。特に、ヘルスケアロボットとの取引関係における看護師の仲介役割のモデル (Model for the Intermediary Role of Nurses in Transactive Relationships With Healthcare Robots : MIRTH) を発表しています。
 さらに、2025年には「Development and Validation of an In-service Education Program for Psychiatric Nurse Managers and Staff Nurses Based on the Theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing」のタイトルで、セントポール大学でPhD in Nursingを取得しました。谷岡先生には、川崎医療福祉大学の学部生のときから、徳島大学での工学博士取得時、SPUPの修士課程及び博士課程まで大変お世話になりました。