

DInternational exchange focused on education, research, and practice of nursing in other countries particularly in Asia and the United States of America.


Collaborative research on topics of mutual interests, practice engagements - securing information about clinical human aspects; Educational exchange - monitoring environmental impact on the education, research, and practice of topics of mutual concerns.

Some of these research studies are:

Research - Collaborative research with nurse colleague scholars:

a). Waraporn kongsuwan - Prince of Songkhla Unviersity - Porvornluck, P., Kongsuwan, W., & Locsin, R. (2012). Needs of family care-givers during patients depending on life-sustaining technologies in a hospital. Songklanagarind Medical Journal, 30(4), 199-208.

b). Locsin, R., Purnell, M. (2015). The Universal Technological Domain: Refining the Theory of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing. International Journal for Human Caring, 19(3). (In press)

c). Amandu Matua - Sultan Qaboos University (Sultanate of Oman)
Matua, A.G. and Locsin, R. (2015). Like a moth to a flame: Ebola and the culture of caring in Sub-saharan Africa. Transcultural Caring Dynamics, F.A. Davis, Co., New York,NY (ebook) (In press)