
Online edition: ISSN 2433-345X
Printed edition: ISSN-L 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University


Index of the Journal of Language and Literature, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University, published by the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences.

This journal was established in 1994, and the last printed version was published in 2016. Since then, the journal has made the transition to on-line. Because the format of publication has been changed, we also changed the ISSN. For Issues 1-24 the ISSN was 1340-5632, but from Issue 25, a new number, 2433-345X, has been allocated.

Volume XXXI December 2023
Volume XXX December 2022
Volume XXIX December 2021
Volume XXVIII December 2020
Volume XXVII December 2019
Volume XXVI December 2018
Volume XXV December 2017
Volume XXIV December 2016
Volume XXIII December 2015
Volume XXII December 2014
Volume XXI December 2013
Volume XX December 2012
Volume XIX December 2011
Volume XVIII December 2010
Volume XVII December 2009
Volume XVI December 2008
Volume XV December 2007
Volume XIV December 2006
Volume XIII December 2005
Volume XII February 2005
Volume XI February 2004
Volume X February 2003
Volume IX February 2002
Volume VIII February 2001
Volume VII February 2000
Volume VI February 1999
Volume V February 1998
Volume IV February 1997
Volume III February 1996
Volume II February 1995
Volume I February 1994


ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without marks [English]are in Japanese.

On the Utopian Elements in Gulliver's Travels ..... YAMAUCHI (Akihiko)

Irony on the 'Hand' -A Study on The Hand of Ethelberta - ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Die Handschrift m des Nibekungenlieds und der Hurnen Seyfrid ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Thomas Mann und Nietzche -im Fall 'Doktor Faustus'- ..... GOTO (Kenji)

Luckenbusser der Geschichte -Nachkrigszit von Günter Grass- ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

La duchesse de Longueville et le Grand Condé vus par Voiture ..... TAJIMA (Toshiro)

More than Five II : Three More Senses in English Synthetic Metaphors ..... YAMADA (Hitoko)

If + Will Revisited [English] ..... TANAKA (Hiroaki)

Extended HAYASHI's Quantification Method Type III and its Application in Corpus Linguistics [English] ..... NAKAMURA (Junsaku)

Frequency Functions and Acoustic Features of Prominent Particles in Japanese Discourse ..... MURANAKA (Toshiko) and HARA (Noriyo)

On the pitch Accent in the Dialect of Kito Village Tokushima Prefecture ..... UENO (Kazuaki)

Are Languages Rich in Vowel Sounds beautiful? On an Account of the Beauty of Japanese Language in Kindaichi's 'Nihongo' (Iwanami-shinsho) ..... SENBA (Mitsuaki)

A Life of Munetaka-Shinnou ..... NAKAGAWA (Hiroo) and OGAWA (Takeo)

On popularity and Quality with Koyo OZAKI's 'Konjiki-yasha' -A Study of Bestsellers in Meiji and Taisho Era (1) ..... SHINDO (Masahiro)

The Miscellaneous Thoughts in Wen Xin Diao Long (2) ..... ANDO (Makoto)

Translation of Shen-tzu (慎子) and Commentary ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

University Repository

Volume I

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
March 1994

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

Why W. B. Yeats Failed To Be an Irish ..... YOSHIDA (Ayami)

Die Tragodie des huernen Sewfrid vons Hans Sachs ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Gedichte um den Verlust -?ber Günter Grass' Gedichte- ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

?ber das Scheweben bei Friedrich Schlegel ..... IDO (Keiji)

Der Armbruster Hans als Erzahler in C. F. Meyers Novelle 'Der Heilige'(II) ..... BABA (Toshiomi)

Le monde mythologique et les beautés feminines chez Voiture ..... TAJIMA (Toshiro)

Shunkinsho and 'Barbara of the House on Grebe' -Blindness and Propinquity- ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Elia Levita und sein 'Bovo-bukh' Eine jiddische Symbiose in Italien ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

A Study on the Archetypal Elements of Ruhubon Hogenmonogatari ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

On the Problems of Secularism with Tengai KOSUGI's 'Makaze Koikaze' - A Study of Bestsellers in Meiji and Taisho Era (2) ..... SHINDO (Masahiro)

A study on Munetaka-Shinnou's Waka Poems other than those in his personal anthologies (1) ..... NAKAGAWA (Hiroo) and OGAWA (Takeo)

The Theoretical Structure of Wu-Wei-Chih-Chih (無為之治) vol.3 ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

University Repository

Volume 11

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 1995

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without marks [English] or [German] are in Japanese.

'Mirror' and 'the Art of Vision'-George Eliot's Adam Bede ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Zur Charakteristik der Siegfriedgestalt in R. Wagners"Siegfried" ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Die Geschichte im Bernstein -?ber Grass' fragmenyaische Form - ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

Theo Herrmanns sprachpsychologisches Modell der Sprachproduktion in der Perspektive von Sprachlehrforschung ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

Humour in More's Utopia and Swift's Gulliver's Travels [English] ..... YAMAUCHI (Akihiko)

On Japanese Verbs of Giving and Receiving [English] ..... YAMADA (Hitoko)

Die Beziehung der Sprache des Bovo-bukh zum modernen Jiddischen [German] ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Diskussion um Neo-Nationalismus und die 'multikulturelle Geselleschaft' Mit einer Nachbemerkung zum Konzept der Transkulturalitat. [German] ..... HERBERT (Wolfgang)

On Lectures of Buddhism Delivered in East-Sanuki at the Close of Edo Period and its Language ..... UENO (Kazuaki)

A Study of sugiharabon Hogenmonogatari ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Study on Munetaka-Shinnou's Waka Poems Not Contained in his Personal Anthologies (2) ..... NAKAGAWA (Hiroo) and OGAWA (Takeo)

A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian"Shinayuki" ..... ARIMA (Takuya) and SHINDO (Masahiro)

University Repository

Volume III

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 1996

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

On the 'Documents' in A Voyage to Lilliput ..... YAMAUCHI (Akihiko)

Siegfrieds Jugend und"Siegfried der Drachentoter" von Ludwig Tieck ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Die Philosophie des taglichen Lebens und magischer Idealismus - ?ber Novalis' Teplitzer Fragmente - ..... IDO (Keiji)

Heiteres Darüberstehen -fontaniserender Grass- ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

Suspendability and Blocking Phenomena of Conversational Implicature: If Any, If Anything, If Ever, If Not, Not...Until ..... TANAKA (Hiroaki)

Particles with Auxilary Verbs of Giving and Receiving in Japanese ..... YAMADA (Hitoko)

Schuleben und Hochschulleben als ein Themenbereich der Landeskunde im Deutschenunterricht ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

On the History of Faith in Sutokuin (1) ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Study on Munetaka-Shinnou's Waka Poems Not Contained in his Personal Anthologies (3) ..... NAKAGAWA (Hiroo) and OGAWA (Takeo)

A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian"Shinayuki" (2) ..... ARIMA (Takuya) and SHINDO (Masahiro)

A Reproduction of Okamot Ian “Endainisshi” ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

University Repository

Volume IV

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 1997

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without marks [English] or [German] are in Japanese.

Hall between the Door and the Window ..... MATSUSHITA (Masayuki)

'Time' and 'Hearts Insurgent' -A Study of Jude the Obscure - ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Das erzahlende Ich in C. F. Meyers Novelle"Das Amulett" ..... BABA (Toshiomi)

?ber ,das Weite‘ -ein Versuch über Günter Grass' Roman ,,Ein weites Feld”- ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

La grivoiserie et la porodie de la poésie de Voiture ..... TAJIMA (Toshiro)

Metaphors with Words Related to Water in Japanese (1) ..... YAMADA (Hitoko)

Politische Bildung aus der Perspektive der fremdsprachlichen Landeskunde ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

On Congnition of Temporal Structure of Event and Usage of Tense ..... KAWAKAMI (Saburo)

Einleitung zu den vergleichenden Untersuchungen über das Nibelungenlied und die Heike-Geschichte [German] ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

On Japanese Floor Management Strategies: A New Dimension of Backchannels [English] ..... KOBAYASHI (Hiroshi)

Ein Leben auf der Feder Schneide: Paul Nizon - Eine Annaherung an sein literarisches Werk. Mit einem Gesprach im Anhang. [German] ..... HERBERT (Wolfgang)

A proposal and Practice on New Instruction of Chinese Language ..... YOKOYAMA (Yutaka) and ARIMA (Takuya)

The Development of Published Hogen Monogatari ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Study of"Karekinoaru fukei" ..... MASUDA (Chikako)

The Miscellaneous Thoughts in Wen Xin Diao Long (3) ..... ANDO (Makoto)

A Poetical thought of Takasugi-Shinsaku ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

A Reproduction of Okamoto-Ian"Shinayuki" (3) ..... ARIMA (Takuya) and SHINDO (Masahiro)

University Repository

Volume V

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 1998

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without mark [German] are in Japanese.

Satire and Allegory in Joseph Hall's Mundus Alter et Idem ..... YAMAUCHI (Akihiko)

A Study of D. H. Lawrence' The Man Who Died ..... TANAKA (Masashi)

Sigurd, der Schlangentoter von Friedrich de la Motte Fouque ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Die Weitsicht von Günter Grass - über das Prinzip von der Konstruktion seiner Werke- ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

Affaire Cinq-Mars rapportée par Voiture et Tallemant des Réaux ..... TAJIMA (Toshiro)

Synesthetic Metaphors of Wine ..... YAMADA (Hitoko)

Die neue Aufgabe der Landeskunde im mitteilungsbezogenen Deutschunterricht - Zur Integration des Fremdverstehens in den Deutschunterricht ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

?ber das Problem des Ursprungsdes Jiddischen und der Aschkenazim [German] ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

The Boundaries of Miyazaki Dialects ... ..... KISHIE (Shinsuke)

Variant Accents of Compound Nouns in the Osaka Dialect ..... MURANAKA (Toshiko)

The Technique of the writing in tale form and the Limitation of it in"Gekan" of"Kageronikki" -The Account of the Dreams and Adopting a Daughter- ..... TSUTSUMI (Kazuhiro)

A List of Hogenmonogatari Manuscript ... ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Study of"Fui no koe" ..... MASUDA (Chikako)

A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian"Shinkokuyuki" ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

University Repository

Volume VI

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 1999

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

A Study of the Labyrinthine Images in Natsume Soseki's"Kokoro" and Uchida Hyakken's"Hanabi" ..... TANAKA (Masashi)

A Lump of Deformity: Diseases in Gulliver's Traveles ..... YAMAUCHI (Akihiko)

Die Nibelungensage bei Snorri Sturluson ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Die komparativ-kulturelle Betrachtung über den Regionalismus- Japan oder Asien im Grass' schen Auge- ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

On Negative Raising:A Pragmatic and Functional Account of I Don't Think and I Think Not ..... TANAKA (Hiroaki)

On English word origin II ..... MOTOKI (Yoshio)

Emergence and Development of Similarity ..... YAMADA (Hitoko)

Phonetiklernen mit Computer-Ein Versuch zum autonomen Fremdsprachenerwerb ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

Dialectal Change and Variation in the Southern Area of Osaka Prefecture ..... KISHIE (Shinsuke)

The Miscellaneous Thoughts in Wen Xin Diao Long (4) ..... ANDOU (Makoto)

A Reproduction of Takahashi Sekisui"Kokongakuwa" (1) ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

The Catalog of Books Composed by Jakucho Setouchi (1) ..... MASUDA (Chikako)

On Hougenmonogatari Published by Urokogataya that is owned by Seikadou Bunko ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

University Repository

Volume VII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 2000

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without mark [English] are in Japanese.

Hagiwawa Sakutaro's Animal Images and Interior Experrience -a Comparative Study with D.H. Lawrence and Nitzsche ..... TANAKA (Masashi)

Modes on Mismating: The Case of"An Imaginative Woman"-Hankering for 'a Congenial Channel'- ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

»Die Nibelungen« von Friedrich Habbel ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

?ber die physiologische Terminologie von Novalis bei des Rezeption der Erregungstheorie-im Vergleich mit der von Schelling - ..... IDO (Keiji)

Der Erzahler Poggio in C. F. Meyers Novelle"Plautus im Nonnenkloster" ..... BABA (Toshiomi)

Die Rezeption des deutschen Expressionismus in Japan -bei dem früheren Kleinen Tukiji-Theater - ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

Language Politices and National Language ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

The Death of Children in Graham Greene and W. Wordsworth [English] ..... SEO(Isao)

A Thematically Based English I course [English] ..... GLICK (Christopher)

On Analytical Units in Conversation Analysis:How to Make a Distinction between Floor and Subfloor [English] ..... SAKATA (Hiroshi)

The Variety of Accents in the Tokushima Dialects ..... ISHIDA (Yuko) and KISHIE (Shinsuke)

A Reproduction of Takahashi Sekisui"Kokongakuwa" (2) ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

A Study of Jyoruri affected by Hogen ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

University Repository

Volume VIII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 2001

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

The Search for"the Nonstandard" : Focusing on Comparison between Yumeno Kyusaku and Oscar Wilde ..... TANAKA (Masashi)

Modes of Mismating (2): In the Case of"The Son's Veto" -Hankering for 'a Congenial Channel'- ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

»Der Niberlungen Hort« von Ernst Raupach ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Ein Versicj über die moderne Theater-Bewegung in der Kansai-Gegend -bei der Rezeption des deutschen Theaters - ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

L'Italie de 1638 vue par Vincent Voiture ..... TAJIMA (Toshiro)

On Analogies of"the Chain of Being" ..... YAMADA (Hitoko)

Expletive and Verb Second in Yiddish ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

Handlungsorientierter Deutschunterricht und Aufgaben ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

On Wang Xiyang after 1949 ..... NISHIMURA (Masao)

A Text Critique of Kyotobon Hogenmonogatari ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

The Miscellaneous Thoughts in Wenxin Diaolong (5) (Shen-si) ..... ANDOU (Makoto)

A Reproduction of Takahashi Sekisui"Sekisui Bunsho" (1) ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

University Repository

Volume IX

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 2002

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

The Mystery of the Stage of Handkerchief: A Possilble Interpretation of an Inconsistent Detail in Gulliver's Travels ..... YAMAUCHI (Akihiko)

An Essay on Wuthering Heights-Serching for Purgation and Resurrection- ..... SEO (Isao)

Modes of Mismating (3) : The Case of"On the Wester Circuit"-Hankering for 'a Congenial Channel'- ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Experience and Recongnition:The Composition of Dogura Magura by Yumeno Kyusaku ..... TANAKA (Masashi)

Zur Charateristik des Diegfriedsmordes in R. Wagners"Gotterdammerung" ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Ecumenical Cathedral Grammar School of Magdeburg -A Case Study of Education Reform in Sconyu Anhalt after German Reunification ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

Sur la Querelle d'Uranie et de Job ..... TAJIMA (Toshiro)

SML Programming with Visual C++ ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

Discourse Analysis in the Osaka Dialects ..... YAMAGUCHI (Koyo) and KISHIE (Shinsuke)

An Annotation of"Taiki" -April 1155- ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Reproduction of Takahashi Sekisui"Sekisui bunshyo" (2) ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

The Getsuyo-shobo version of"Kabe (The wall)" ..... TOBA (Koji)

University Repository

Volume X

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 2003

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without marks [English] or [German] are in Japanese.

Konflikte bei Kriemhild im Nibelungenlied [German] ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku)

Lettre de Car de Vincent Voiture ..... TAJIMA (Toshiro)

?ber die Vorausdeutungen in C. F. Meyers Novelle «Der Schu? von der Kanzel» ..... BABA (Toshiomi)

Modes of Mismating (4) : In the Case of"For Consciences' Sake" -Hankering for 'a Congenial Channel'- ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Günter Grass in Japan -die Betrachtung über dir Regionalitat- [German]..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

Issues and Progress in Studies of English Education in Elementary School [English] ..... KATSUFUJI (Kazuko)

Winter's Flexibility Principles in Boolean Semantics ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

Handlungsorientierter Politikunterricht -Aus Unterrlichtsbeobachtung an einem deutschen Gymnasium ..... KATSURA (Shuji)

The Miscellaneous Thoughts in Wenxin Diaolong (6) (Shen-si) ..... ANDOU (Makoto)

Some reflections on"Ichijo sessho gyoshu" ..... TSUTSUMI (Kazuhiro)

An Annotation of “Taiki” - July, August, September 1155 - ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Poetical thought of Saigou-Takamori ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

Talking about and ABE Kobo -An interview with KATSURAGAWA Hiroshi- ..... TOBA (Koji)

University Repository

Volume XI

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 2004

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without mark [English] are in Japanese.

A Critical Comparison of Austen and Shakespeare ..... SEO (Isao), and MINATO (Junko)

Disfigurement and the Loss of ‘a Congenial Channel’ -’The Withered Arm’- ..... MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Die Geschichte von Sigurd in der Thidrekssaga ..... ISHIKAWA (Eisaku) and NOUCHI (Sayaka)

?ber den Gesichtspunkt der Minderheiten von Günter Grass - die Perspektive in der multikulturellen Welt - ..... YORIOKA (Ryuji)

Stylometrics with Linear Discriminant ..... ISHIDA (Motohiro)

Language Transfer and Discourse Constraint on English Dative Alternation [English] ..... KATSUFUJI (Kazuko)

The Dynamics of the Difference of Pronunciation of Yotsugana in the Kouchi Dialects ..... KISHIE (Shinsuke), YOSHIHIRO (Ayako), and YAMAGUCHI (Yoko)

Discussion on No. 1 in “Ichijo sessho gyoshu” ..... TSUTSUMI (Kazuhiro)

An Annotation of"Taiki" -May, June 1155- ..... HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian “Dainihon chukosenkakushi” (1) ..... ARIMA (Takuya)

The Table of Contents and Index of “Jinmin Bungaku” ..... TOBA (Koji)

University Repository

Volume XII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
February 2005

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

Modes of Mismating (5): In the Case of ‘The Fiddler of the Reels’ - Hankering for ‘a Congenial Channel’- ····· MIYAZAKI (Takayoshi)

Grimhilds Rache in der Thidrekssaga ····· ISHIKAWA (Eisaku) and NOUCHI (Sayaka)

Zu Wackenroders Anschauung von der Musik ····· IDO (Keiji)

Betrachtung des Kulturaustauschs zwischen Japan und Deutschland - Die von Shikoku betrachtete Welt - ····· YORIOKA (Ryuji)

Le jardin d'Amiens et les ferrets en diamant - Des origines des Trois Mousquetaires - ····· TAJIMA (Toshiro)

Language Change by Immigration No.1 - A case study of Katori district in Tottori - ····· KISHIE (Shinsuke), NAKAI (Yukihiko), SHIMADA(Osamu), and YOSHIHIRO (Ayako)

A Study on the “Hikiuta” Expression in the volume “Agemaki” of “the Tale of Genji” : A “Hikiuta” Expression, “KakusodeHitsuru” and its relation with the personal character of Nionomiya ····· TSUTSUMI (Kazuhiro)

An Annotation of “Taiki” - October, November, December 1155 - ····· HARAMIZU (Tamiki)

A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian “Dainihon chukosenkakushi” (2) ····· ARIMA (Takuya)

University Repository

Volume XIII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2005

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without mark [German] are in Japanese.

Hardy's The Well-Beloved and Tanizaki's Chijin no Ai - From the Viewpoint of Platonic Idealism - ····· Takayoshi Mizyazaki

Kriemhilds Falkentraum im Nibelungenlied und Heike-Geschichte ····· Eisaku Ishikawa

Raffael und Duerer, dargestellt von Wackenroder ····· Keiji Ido

Das Wechselverhaeltnis zwischen den japanischen und den deutschen illustrierten literarischen Zeitschriften ····· Ryuji Yorioka

On Analogies to Tree ― Growing Image of Tree from Myths to Christianity ― ····· Hitoko Yamada

Umgang mit literarischen Texten in der Sekundarstufe II.- Ein Aspekte des Fachs Deutsch an deutschen Gymnasien - ····· Shuji Katsura

Eine kleine Geschichte des Buddhismus im deutschen Sprachraum im Ueberflug [German] ····· Wolfgang Herbert

Acoustic Characteristic of Central Vowels in the Izumo Dialects ····· Ayako Yoshihiro, Shinsuke Kishie, Gen Ohyama

Neo Chinese and Names of the Medicine - An Important Part of Taiwan's Medical Terms - ····· Ming-tung Wang, Mitusaki Senba, Shinsuke Kishie

『A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian “Dainihon chukosenkakushi” ····· Takuya Arima

The attendants of Sutokuin's abscondence ····· Tamiki Haramizu

Reception of Uta-Gatari by Michitsuna-no-Haha Who Demands Fake Explanation from Kaneie ― Michitsuna-no-Haha vs. Machi-no-Kohji-no-Onna and Keishi-Jooh vs. Yoshihuru-no-Musume ― ····· Kazuhiro Tsutsumi

University Repository

Volume XIV

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2006

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without marks [English] or [German] are in Japanese.

Modes of Mismating(6):In the Case of 'The First Countess of Wessex' -Hankering for 'a Congenial Channel' ·····  MIYAZAKI, Takayoshi

Hohe Minnes Siegfrieds im Nibelungenlied unde dynastische Liebe des Kaisers Takakura in der Heike-Geschichte  [German] ····· ISHIKAWA, Eisaku 

Der Bericht über das Kriegsgefangenenlager Kurume von Major Buchenthaler (?bersetzung ins Japanische mit Erl?uterungen) ····· IDO, Keiji

Erinnerung und Gred?chtnis -über Günter Grass'"Beim H?uten der Zweibe l ····· YORIOKA, Ryuji

Developement of CGI-based Automatic Scoring and Tabulation System and its Application to English Education ····· NAKASHIMA, Kohji

Eigenst?ngige Textinterpretation und deren kriteriengeleitete Bewetung -Probleme um das Zentralabitur im Fach Deutsch ·····  KATSURA, Shuji

Guy de Maupassant's Madame Lantin's Jewels: An English Abridgement and JapaneseTranslation [English] ····· STURGE,Donald

Expectations of Time Spent on Homework: A Comparative Study of Japanese and Australian Primary SchooIs [English] ····· STEPHENS, Meredith Anne

Errors made in compositions by intermediate-class Japanese learners in Taiwan ·····  WANG, Ming-tung and SENBA, Mitsuaki

The change from"Ichijo Sesho Gyoshu" to Setsuwa -An introduction to"The change from Utagatari and Utamonogatari to Setsuwa" - ····· TSUTSUMI, Kazuhiro

The supplement to the List of Hougenmonogatari manuscrpts ····· HARAMIZU, Tamiki

The Copy, Purchase, Investigation, Utilization of Hougenmonogatari ····· HARAMIZU, Tamiki

A Reproduction of Okamoto Ian"Dainihon chukosenkakushi" (4) ····· ARIMA, Takuya

University Repository

Volume XV

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2007

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without mark [English] are in Japanese.

Modes of Mismating(7):In the Case of 'The History of The Hardcomes'- Hankering for 'a Congenial Channel'- ·····  MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Untersuchung über"Tristan and Iseult" von Rosemary SUTCLIFF ·····  YAMAMOTO Rina and ISHIKAWA Eisaku

?ber die ehemaligen Einheiten der deutschen Kriegsfangenen aus Tsingtau -Die Geschichte und die Eigenschaften der deutschen Marine-Infanterie ·····  IDO Keiji

Das grunds?tlicht Studium über den Begriff"Heimat" im modernen Japan -in dem Zusammenhang mit dem deutschsprachigen L?ndern   ····· YORIOKA Ryuji

Un portrait d'une Précieuse Ridicule -Angélique-Clarice, Mademoiselle de Rambouillet- ·····  TAJIMA Toshiro

Developement of a Corpus-based Search System using Regular Expression: An Inductive Approach ·····  NAKASHIMA Kohji

Eine Perspektive der historischen Entwicklung der deutsch-didakitischen Diskussion. Zum Wandel in der Theoriebildung in bezug auf den Literaturunterrich auf der Sekundarstufe II ·····  KATSURA Shuji

A Difficult Renunciation: Conflict in the Life and Art of Christina Rossetti [English] ····· Donald STURGE

Catchphrases in Japan and in Taiwan -Focusing on male and female magazines-   ····· WANG Ming-tsung, LEE Chih-wei and SENBA Mitsuaki

Analysis on Vacabulary in the Texbooks for Japanese as Part of General Education adopted in National University of Korea ····· KIM Seong-Kyoun, TAKIGUCHI Keiko and KISHIE Shinsuke

A Study on"Kaeshi Ito Furumekitari" in Vol. One of Kageronikki -Focus on Exchange's Waka of Michitsuna-no-Haha and Kaneie-   ····· TSUTSUMI Kazuhiro

A Study of Okamoto Ian"Dainihon chukosenkakushi" ····· ARIMA Takuya

University Repository

Volume XVI

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2008

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

Tristan und Siegfried bei Richard Wagner ····· Eisaku lSHIKAWA

A Preliminary Study for Developing a Concordance Program of British National Corpus Using Category and Genre lnformation ····· Kohji NAKASHIMA

Kompetenzorientierung des Deutschuntrrchts
 -Perspektiven und Probleme der Bildungsstandards in Deutschland-
····· Shuji KATSURA

Perceptional Change from Categorization -A Case Study of English Color Term “Yellow” - ····· Hitoko YAMADA

A critical overview of “Seken” -From the stand point of “Seken” and “saving face culture” in Japan and China- ····· LIU Jie, Makoto OWHASHI

Paper Abstracts Published by Associations for Japanese -Associations in Japan and in Taiwan for Japanese Language, and Education - ····· Ming-tung WANG, Pei-Chun CHAo, Mitsuaki SENBA

A Study on Wakas of N0. 46?48 in vol. 0ne of Kageronikki Exchanged Makas between Mlichitsuna-no-Haha and Kaneie ····· Kazuhiro TSUTSUMI

A Text Criticism of Kotobon Heiji Monogatari ····· Tamiki HARAMlZU

A Text Criticism of Nakaraibon Heiji Monogatari ····· Tamiki HARAMlZU

A ReProduction of Okamoto lan “Chishima Nisshi” ····· Takuya ARIMA

University Repository

Volume XVII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2009

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without marks [English] or [German] are in Japanese.

Modes of Mismating (8): In the Case of ‘Destiny and a Blue Cloak’ ―Hankering for ‘a Congenial Channel’― .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Satire in Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Kurt Mei?ners ?Der Krieg der alten Dachse” ―über seinen Hintergrund und Sinn― .... YORIOKA Ryuji

La journée des Dupes .... TAJIMA Toshiro

Siegfrieds Mord im Nibelungenlied und Kiyomoris Tod in der Hekie-Geschichte [German] .... ISHIKAWA Eisaku

An Examination of Effective Instructional Strategies for EFL Compositions by Japanese EFL University Students: An Exploratory Study [English] .... Meredith STEPHENS & Steve T. FUKUDA

Two Kinds of Vectors to Form a Category ―An Analysis of Japanese Expression “ ma-color term” ― .... YAMADA Hitoko

Idiom starting with 「Ki(気)」 ―Note to composing textbook for idiom― .... TSAI Yu-lin, SENBA Mitsuaki and WANG Ming-tung

The role of supportive responses in spoken Japanese and Chinese ―A comparative study of Japanese and Chinese cultures by the usage of supportive responses in daily conversations― .... LIU Jie and OWHASHI Mokoto

Research on Linguistic landscape of Shanghai 2010 .... MI Liyang and KISHIE Shinsuke

A Contamination of Heiji Monogatari .... HARAMIZU Tamiki

The Table of Content and Index of Seikatsu to Bungaku .... TOBA Koji

Okamoto Ian's opinion about emigration to the north in"Chishima-nisshi" .... ARIMA Takuya

University Repository

Volume XVIII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2010

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without mark [German] are in Japanese.

Goodwill in 'Old Mrs Chundle' ―Narrative Technique and Psychological Descriptions ― .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Erschlie?ung der Lyrik und die Kompetenzorientierung der Einheitlichen Prüfungsanforderungen in der Abiturprüfung .... KATSURA Shuji

Shikoku, aus der Sicht eines deutschen Lehrers an einer Vorhochschule im früheren Schulsystem in Japan .... YORIOKA Ryuji

Tragische Helden im Nibelungenlied und in der Heike-Geschichte [German] .... Eisaku ISHIKAWA

Attitudes to the Introduction of English into the Primary School Curriculum in Japan: A Comparative Study [English] .... Meredith Stephens and Richard Blight

A mysterious story of"The Second Bakery Attack" .... LIU Jie and OWHASHI Makoto

Impact of 311 Earthquake on Overseas Students in Japan: Interviews .... WANG Ming-tung, LIN Yi-Hung and SENBA Mitsuaki

Refusing requests .... SHIMIZU Yukichi, ISHIDA Motohiro and KISHIE Shinsuke

A Study of the Status and Prospects of Dialect Research in Japan .... LEE Sanggyu, KISHIE Shinsuke and TAKIGUCHI Keiko

On the Pitch Accent in the Dialect of Habayama-Sadamitsu, Tokushima Prefecture .... MURATA Mami

A reproduction of Okamoto Ian"Nihon-Ishin-Jinbutsushi"(2) .... ARIMA Takuya

Supplement to Tokushima prefectural library's"Shuishu-Shisho" .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiro

A Text Critic of 'Heijimonogatari' .... HARAMIZU Tamiki

University Repository

Volume XIX

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2011

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

On the Narrative Technique of ‘The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid’ .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Zum Charakteristikum von Eilharts ?Tristrant?im Vergleich mit Gottfrieds ?Tristan und Isolde? .... ISHIKAWA Eisaku

Zum Diskursu?berHeimatschutzinseinerAnfangszeit- ErnstRudorfs?Heimatschut“z (1897).. .... KATSURA Shuji

Heimatschutz .... Von Ernst Rudorf. U?bersetzt (Japanisch) von Shuji Katsura

Gu?nter Gras sindem Atomzeitalter-Die Forschungu?ber den Dialog zwischen der japanischen und der deutschen Literatur .... YORIOKA Ryuji

The Study of Perceptual dialectology in Kyungpok dialects .... KIM Deokho, KISHIE Shinsuke, TAKIGUCHI Keiko

Career of Postgraduate Students of Departments of Japanese in Taiwan: Interview Study .... WANG Ming-tung, CHENG Kai-wen, SENBA Mitsuaki

Impact of 311 Japan Earthquake on Overseas Students from Taiwan: Interview conducted on one year after .... WANG Ming-tung; SENBA Mitsuaki

An Examination of “Kotonashibu” and “Kotonarafu” during the Later Half of the Heian Period and their Derivations .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiro

University Repository

Volume XX

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2012

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The university of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention are in Japanese.

Structural Complexity in “The Great God Pan” by Arthur Machen .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

The Narrator and the Narrative Technique of ‘A Changed Man’ .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Tragik und Helden im Nibelungenlied und in der Heike-Geschichte [in German] .... ISHIKAWA Eisaku

Japanisch-deutsche literarische Gespra?che ─ zwischen Grass und Oe ─ [in German] .... YORIOKA, Ryuji

Phonological Awareness as Revealed by Spelling: Do Japanese EFL learners process written English phonologically? [in English] .... Meredith Stephens and Shirley Leane

Categorization of Family Members in Japanese .... YAMADA Hitoko

Japanese Acquisition and Consciousness of Japanese through Short-term Training in Japan - Japanese Learners in Taiwan– .... MURAKAMI Keiichi

A Study of Geographical-Dialect in Awaji Island ―Potato,Sweet Potato,Taro― .... SAKOGUCHI Yukako and KISHIE Shinsuke

A Textcritique of Hogenmonogatari .... HARAMIZU Tamiki

Pourquoi des mandarines tombent du ciel? -Une lecture de Mikan, un conte d'Akutagawa Ryunosuke .... TAJIMA Toshiro

University Repository

Volume XXI

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2013

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

The University of Tokushima

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention are in Japanese.

Hardy’s Humour ― Linguistic Characteristics in ‘The Distracted Preacher’ (1) ― .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Pigs and Horses in Animal Farm by George Orwell .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Tragische Frauen im Nibelungenlied und in der Heike-Geschichte [in German] .... ISHIKAWA Eisaku

Das Heimehr von Toshihiko Katayama –eine Betrachtung über den Literat in des Kriegszeit─ .... YORIOKA Ryuji

Une étude sur les Réflexions (1747) de La Font de Saint-Yenne (3) : proposition de la création d’une Galerie royale .... TANAKA Kei

Critical Features of Being a Family in the Culture of British English ― Analysis of True Family and Real Family .... YAMADA Hitoko

What Makes the Gap between Advanced Level Class and Basic One?
Analysis of English Dictation Tests
[in English] .... NAKASHIMA Kohji

Honorific Expressions of Kyushu Based on Substantive Verbs, iru, oru .... SHIOKAWA Nanami , SHIMIZU Yukichi and KISHIE Shinsuke

A study on Kaneie’s proposal in Vol. One of “Kageronikki” and the tale of suitors to Atemiya in “Utsuhomonogatari” -Tonori’s proposal in Vol. Three of “Kageronikki” -- .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiroi

Le wagonnet ou une narration métonymique d’Akutagawa Ryunosuke .... TAJIMA Toshiro

University Repository

Volume XXII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokushima
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2014

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention are in Japanese.

Hardy’s Humour ― Linguistic Characteristics in ‘The Distracted Preacher’ (2) ― .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Language in Animal Farm by George Orwell .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Der literarische Dialog zwischen Japan und Deutschland ― die Beziehung zwischen Gu?nter Grass und Makoto Oda ― .... YORIOKA Ryuji

Zum Aufbau und Inhalt der Tragik im Nibelungenlied und in der Heike-Geschichte [in German] .... ISHIKAWA Eisaku

Exchanged Wakas between Michitsunanohaha and Kaneie of restored ties after their separation in Vol. One of Kageronikki: A study of Wakas Based on Honmachidori” -- .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiroi

University Repository

Volume XXIII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2015

ISSN 1340-5632

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention [in Chinese] are in Japanese.

Anger in Gulliver’s Travels and Seven .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Hardy’s Sense of Humour ― Humour in ‘What the Shepherd Saw’ ― .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

Zum Wandel der Bru?nnhilde-Gestalt in der Nibelungensage .... ISHIKAWA Eisaku

Der Kosmopolit Reiji Kurada –eine Bertachtung über seine Beziehung zu Kochi .... YORIOKA Ryuji

Thoughts of no thought On Li Changsheng 's discourse of “Get to know Japan” [in Chinese].... SHAO Yingjian

Considerate Expressions in the Gift-Giving situation : On the Usage of Expression tsumaranaimonodesuga (small gift)" .... SHIOKAWA Nanami, SAKOGUCHI Yukako and KISHIE Shinsuke

A study on the Account of the day after Peach’s Festival in Vol. One of Kageronikki .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiro

An annotation of Taiki 1150 A.D. .... HARAMIZU Tamiki

Mouchoir d’Akutagawa Ryunosuké ou ce que révèle un éventail coréen .... TAJIMA Toshiro

University Repository

Volume XXIV

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2016

ISSN 2433-345X

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles are in Japanese.

The Ideology of Sensibility in Della Cruscan Poetry and the 18th Century Media ― .... TAKUBO Hiroshi

Schreiben und Zeichnen ~ Günter Grass und die bildende Kunst .... YORIOKA Ryuji

A study on Exchanged Chokas between Michitsunanohaha and Kaneie in the first half of Vol. One of Kageronikki .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiro

Dans le fourré d’Akutagawa Ryunosuké et La fille du comte de Ponthieu .... TAJIMA Toshiro

University Repository

Volume XXV

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2017

ISSN 2433-345X

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.

Die literarische Aufkl?rung in Günter Grass' Rede "Der lernende Lehrer" ― .... YORIOKA Ryuji

A study on Looking at Akogi's faithful and righteous maid statue in the light of the "Ochikubo Monogatari" .... HAN Chun Hong and YORIOKA Ryuji

Das gespaltene Ich: Zur dissoziativen Identit?tsst?rung literarischer Figuren in den Texten des japanischen Schriftstellers Murakami Haruki [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES

Ce que le jeune Samurai reconna?t sous le visage du vieux officier du cinquième rang, Gruau d’ignames d’Akutagawa Ryunosuké .... TAJIMA Toshiro

University Repository

Volume XXVI

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 2018

ISSN 2433-345X

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.

Hardy’s Narrative Techniques — A Sense of Distance in ‘The Withered Arm’ ― .... MIYAZAKI Takayoshi

‘Wabe’, ‘Gyre’ and ‘Gimble’ in ‘Jabberwocky’ in Through the Looking-Glass .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Der Versuch über Günter Grass? Collabo-literarische Aktivit?t .... YORIOKA Ryuji

?ber den ?bersetzer Murakami Haruki [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES

Study on Position of LIU XIAOYI(劉孝儀)’s YANTI-LIANZHU(豔體連珠) in the Literature of WEIJIN(魏晋) and Northern and Southern Courts period .... OMURA Kazuhito

University Repository

Volume XXVII

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 24, 2019

ISSN 2433-345X

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.

Robert Merry and Mary Robinson: The French Revolution and the Poetry of Sensibility .... TAKUBO Hiroshi

Lewis Padgett’s “Mimsy Were the Borogoves” and Robert Shaye’s The Last Mimzy .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Der japanische Film - Von der Einfu?hrung des Mediums bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES

Understanding Japanese EFL Students’ Preferences for a Live to an Audio Delivery of Shadowing in Terms of Seligman’s (2011) PERMA .... KONO Chihori, SAKATA Hiroshi and Meredith Anne STEPHENS

Der Versuch u?ber die M?glichkeit des Lesezirkels im ?Bu?chercafé‘ ― in dem Augenblick der Lesef?derung in der localen Stadt ― .... YORIOKA Ryuji and HOSHINO Rin

The depiction of Naruto Strait in the Classical Chinese Poetry produced by Japanese .... OMURA Kazuhito

Les désirs visualisés et racontés du Seigneur de Horikawa, Figures infernales d’Akutagawa Ry?nosuke .... TAJIMA Toshiro

University Repository


The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre 28, 2020

ISSN 2433-345X

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.

“Anponia” and “Yā-hu” in Garibā Ryokouki by HARA Tamiki and “the Amboyna” and “Yahoos” in Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Shelley’s “Mont Blanc” and Helen Maria Williams .... TAKUBO Hiroshi

Die Blechtrommel vom Gesichtspunkt der interdiziplin?ren Zusammenarbeit ― zwischen Roman und Film ― .... YORIOKA Ryuji

Der japanische Film – von der amerikanischen Besatzungszeit bis zur Gegenwart [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES

A Restudy on Honinjiju-shu  ─Images of Kanemichi─ .... TSUTSUMI Kazuhiro

Consideration for the relation between prose and poetry in “Naruto Kambun (classical Chinese prose)” with “Kanshi (classical Chinese poetry)”. .... OMURA Kazuhito

University Repository

Volume XXIX

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre , 2021

ISSN 2433-345X

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.

Die Kooperation von Günter Grass und seinen Verlegern beim ?Büchermachen‘ .... YORIOKA Ryuji

Zur Theorie des filmischen Raums (Teil 1) [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES

Study on MORI Shuntō’s AWA FUDO SHI .... OMURA Kazuhito

University Repository

Volume XXX

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre , 2022

ISSN 2433-345X

Journal of Language and Literature

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Tokushima University

index   Japanese   The articles without a mention [in German] are in Japanese.

“The Skins of Yahoos” in Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift .... YAMAUCHI Akihiko

Kriegsgefangene im Lager Bando nach der Befreiung-ein Aspekt des deutsch-japanischen Kulturaustauschs-   .... YORIOKA Ryuji

Zur Theorie des filmischen Raums (Teil 2) [in German] .... Olaf SCHIEDGES

Study on the whole story of the publication of NAKAGAWA Kengaku’s two Naruto Strait and its position on the history of Japanese and Chinese poetry. .... OMURA Kazuhito

University Repository

Volume XXXI

The Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Tokushima University
Tokushima, Japan
zip code 770?8502
Decembre , 2023