TOPNEWSGuidance for New International Students

Guidance for New International Students


The International Office of Tokushima University held a guidance session for new international students on October 23rd at Kuramoto Campus and October 24th at Josanjima Campus.

¡¡The guidance session aimed to support new international students by offering essential orientation on academic and daily life matters, helping them settle smoothly into their life in Japan.

¡¡During the session, after a greeting from the Vice President Prof. Takahashi, officers from the Tokushima Central Police Station presented on safety measures for living in Japan, including traffic safety, crime prevention, and general safety tips. Following this, faculty members from the International Office explained key points related to life in Japan, such as residence status and scholarship information, which the international students listened to attentively.

¡¡At the end of the session, daily necessities donated by the Tokushima International Student Exchange Promotion Council were distributed to the students. They received useful items such as detergent and toilet paper, which were much appreciated.

¡¡The International Office remains committed to supporting international students so they can feel safe and well-prepared for life in Japan.


Guidance at Kuramoto Campus

Guidance at Josanjima Campus

Last updated: 2024-11-11