TOPNEWSThe 2024 Tokushima Bizankai was held

The 2024 Tokushima Bizankai was held


On October 10th, 2024, the 2024 Tokushima Bizankai was held at a hotel in Tokushima City, and was attended by 25 alumni association members and 30 faculty and staff members of Tokushima University including President Kawamura Yasuhiko.

 The event began with a greeting from President Kawamura and an update on the latest developments at Tokushima University, followed by greetings from representatives of each alumni associations and an introduction to their association's recent activities. Following this, the Deans of each faculties and each schools gave their speeches introducing the current status of their respective faculties and schools.

 After a toast proposed by Mr. Mori Hiromichi, the chairman of the Kogyokai (the alumni association of the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, and Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry), attendees went around the tables, catching up on their recent activities and taking photos with each other and engaged in lively interaction.

 At the end of the event, Mr. Ishii Hiroshi, the chairman of the Isuikai (the alumni association of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences), gave his speech saying that "I wish Tokushima University further development in this global era," and concluded the event with an "Ippon-Jime" (a traditional Japanese hand-clapping closing ceremony) bringing it to a successful close. 

 We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who cooperated and participated in this event.


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Last updated: 2024-10-21